
Digital Illustration, 2022

I created this piece in in succession with the Chance the Rapper project, however this one had a different feeling behind it. This piece was made for an artist that I don't have the chance of them ever seeing it. Mac Miller, real name Malcolm James McCormick, has been a frequent listen for me all of my adult life when I am picking music. Due to the fact that I have a heavy interest in the subject, just like the Chance the Rapper piece, it made it easy and fun to create something for that person, as well as for myself. Malcolm passed away in September of 2018 at the young age of 26 of a fetanyl overdose in a laced pile. So not only did I want to create this piece in memory of Malcolm himself and his music, but also as a piece to talk about the numerous amounts of fetanyl overdoses that happen worldwide.

Over 56,000 people died of fetanyl overdose in 2020, and many more of other opiod related overdoses. Numbers of youth that are dying of fetanyl overdose have been on the rise in the last few years. While this piece may not look like your typical "call to action" piece of art that you will get, especially when you are talking about fetanyl overdose, but I want to make known in words for those that don't understand through the visual.

This is the most recent of my finshed projects.