For this assignment we had to make something playable that could be used in a preformance. Me and my group decided to do a music box of sorts. One that you press certain buttons to play different soundss. In combination with each other there will something like music.
Below is our sketches and part list.
For these phases it was a very bsic overview of getting the mp3 and the rest of the hardware working on the perf board
Below are a few pictures of the hardware on the inside as well as the outside of the box when running the "Hello World" software. This was our test software to make sure everything was working on the hardware side of things before moving onto the software.
These were the final phases for this project. Below are the final photos of the Preformance Prototype in the studio background set up in class for us. This was a very difficulty project but I am glad that I got something working that plays pretty much exactly what my group wanted orginally.
The two videos at the end are to show our groups preformance video, as well as the video that I made for my own personal machine that shows that it works but also how everything works.
What I did for the group; As a group, we all chose a different pieces to work on. Whether that was figuring out code on how to hook up the hardware; we were in charge of making sure we knew how that specific piece worked. I got the 12 pin capacitive controller that was later linked to show characters on the alpha-numeric backpack that David bought. I also layer the codes of all the example programs from everyones parts in order to make our test software. That way we had a piece of code that would be able to show us whether the issue was the hardware or software from there on out.