The first section of this assignment was finding a model on Thingiverse to test out printing on the 3D printers in class. We were limited to what we wanted to print and the size, so I chose to print a bearing.
These pictures show the bearing models from Thingiverse as well asn the physical piece after it was printed. Unfortunately I wasn't able to get the bearing to really work, as clears the inside was pretty difficult. The positive is that the print still has the same look and size of a bearing, so I don't think all is lost.
This part is where me and my group made suppositions as rough ideas that we could eventually make artifacts off of. We were instructed to come up with "In a World" scenarios and come up with responses to those worlds. The responses are supposed to be what would change with these new worlds.
These pictures show the illustrator sketches that I created for the two concepts.
The first was a sketch of a spare wing for the first concept that our group decided to expand on. In this concept there is no more roads and all transportation is in the air. Flying cars, with the rich getting hover cars while the poor have to deal with car wings, the spare wing is the perfect thing to keep in the back of your winged car just in case you ever blow a wing.
The second is a portal gun for the second concept that my group decided to expand on. In this concept, the world has found some new element that allows for teleportation. With this new discovery, companies raced to be the best at supplying people with technology suited for teleportation. I decided that my company was going to focus on a portal gun like product; allowing for short distance teleportation using two portals placed by shooting the gun.
The third sketch...
The last is a...
View the updated concept document at the link below.
This was us submitting our first 3D models in fusion in order to get signed off for print. The pictures below show the first set of models I did.
These phases were just changing our model if needed, as well as, actually printing our model. Below is pictures of the finalized rendered model that I made before I printed it out. I had to take the handle off of the bottom due to the print time being too long but besides that it stayed the same.
This is the final phase of the assignment, after the model has been 3D printed and painted. I really like the overall look of the piece and how it came out. I will say that part of the project that was hard was getting over the look of the paint on the model. I really enjoyed the look of the piece when it was rendered in fusion, but I don't like the look of the paint all that much. However, knowing that it is a model and not the actual thing I am trying to get that out of my head.
Below are pictures of the painted 3D model, as well as my commercial video that shows it off and explains it a little.