In this first project we were assigned to make a drawing tool. So with that in mind I wanted to create a digital coloring book in processing. The actual drawing device is connected to the position of the mouse and the speed of the mouse changes the size of the brush. Using keypressed you can cycle through different pictures of Kirby. I am hoping to improve this by making it toggle switches for each number to bring up each picture. "B" also clears the artboard.
Go to Project 1
In this project I utilized the class, noise, and the millis() funtion. I use the class to create the balls that fly around the screen and begin to draw the rose that is behind the initial layer. I used the millis() function to add to the amount of balls that are actually in the window drawing over the background. Due to the opacity I put on the balls in the class, after a while you get this over exposed image of the rose that sort of flickers due to the balls consistenting drawing over themselves. For the noise function I used it to give me a random speed for the balls in certain directions. I wanted the speeds to be random for all the balls and the noise algorithm was the perfect way to do that within parameters.
Go to Project 2
This is my final try at this project. I refined the ball method a little bit more, as well as, I added a hidden clock in the upper left corner. I know the project was to show the progression of time without just making a lock so I decided to do that, but add in an actual clock so that is someone was using this, and needed the legit time, then they can press and hold the space bar to show the time and when you release then the time goes away and continues with the balls.
Go to Project 3
This is what I came up with for the API project. I used the Open Weather API and connected the data and properties
from that API to these circles bouncing around the screen. The balls are controlled by temperature and wind speed while the size of the balls is actually connected to the humidity from that place. The colors are connected using max and min to the red and blue values of the RGB scale. With this you get the average temperatue for the day displayed in a color (blue to red like cold to hot).
Go to Project 4
In my final project I wanted to create a beat maker of some sort. I wanted to take into account the reading and use the ideas of Skeuomorphism to represent the different notes. So instead of using actual music notes for each different one, I just used the letters that represent the individual notes. For my different states, I made a “help” state just in case people need a little help or explanation of what is going on. I also added a pause button so that the sequence could be paused instead of constantly running. The different selectors and sliders at the bottom adjust the instrument, tempo, and volume respectively.
Go to Project 5